Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Vision of Students Today

The video made me realize a lot of things about my generation and the world we are living in. Before this video, I never sat down and calculated how much debt I would be in by the time I am done with school. Yes, it does make me rethink the whole "college experiences". It is not guaranteed that I will find a job after graduation--or even a job that pays enough for me to start paying off my debts that I am now paying for school. Some students live life way easier than other people. Some people will automatically have a job after graduation because of who they know--not how hard they have worked.

I would not add anything to the video if I could but I do have a totally different outlook on my college experience and how it is labeled today. Some of these things I have never thought about one time--let alone twice. It sure was an eye-opener for me. Most colleges do not even participate in textbook work anymore, but everything is strictly done off the internet. I do not understand that. If I want to take an online course, I would register for one. My generation hasn't caused any of these problems that the students in the classroom spoke about, but as they stated on one of the cards, we are paying for it!!

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